Tuesday, August 10, 2010


It’s an understatement to say that a river is in bad shape, choked with filth largely due to human activities that make both water and place dangerous to human beings. As a result of all these residents of the slums have been exposed to water bourn diseases. The state of our rivers has prompted several organizations from government to UN bodies to come with interventions to rehabilitate, restore, and manage the Nairobi river system to provide improved livelihoods especially for slum dwellers and enhance environmental quality values through well regulated ventures.
Question is to what extent has the slum people been part and parcel of this very noble invention, How far is the government through the ministry of environment and natural resources and the private sector involved the ordinary slum dweller to clean up part of the Nairobi river to bring back its glory, Do people in the slum ”own” projects to clean up the river or they are just spectators in the restoration of the river
It all starts with us. Am sure this is a problem we created ourselves. Time for television and cameras is over. Its time for ACTION

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